Dr. H. K. Baitule

Dr. H. K. Baitule

Navigation Welcome Note T&P Team Training Module Placement Process MOU’s Internship Statistics Placement Record Our Recruiters Alumni Gallery Dr. H. K. Baitule “Placement Training Recruitments are an important aspect of any student’s life. The Placement Cell...
Dr. Sanjay L. Haridas

Dr. Sanjay L. Haridas

Navigation Overview Affiliation Accreditation Leadership Facts and Figures History The Logo philosophy Mandatory disclosure Goyal Group JES Sustainability What they say Why JD Policies Grievance Redressal Committee Dr. Sanjay L. Haridas He has a  total experience of...
Prof. Abdul Ghaffar

Prof. Abdul Ghaffar

Navigation About Department Pos and PEOs Program Specific Outcome Curriculum Faculty Laboratories Research and Publications Achievement Club and Activities Proud Aluminies Photo Gallery Prof. Abdul Ghaffar Assistant Professor & HOD, Civil Engineering Degree B.E.(Civil...
Prof. Shakil Khan

Prof. Shakil Khan

Navigation About Department Pos and PEOs Program Specific Outcome Curriculum Faculty Laboratories Research and Publications Achievement Club and Activities Proud Aluminies Photo Gallery Prof. Shakil Khan (Foundation of Department), Assistant Professor, Civil...
Prof. Atika Ingole

Prof. Atika Ingole

Navigation About Department Pos and PEOs Program Specific Outcome Curriculum Faculty Laboratories Research and Publications Achievement Club and Activities Proud Aluminies Photo Gallery Prof. Atika Ingole HOD, Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Degree B.E.(Civil...