Prof. Rohan B. Kokate

Prof. Rohan B. Kokate

Asst. Professor, Information Technology



Contact Details

Assistant Professor, Information Technology
JD College of Engineering and Management,


Phone:   +91-8080460650

About the Faculty

I am privileged to have a number of years of continuous teaching experience, at JDCOEM, one of the best prominent engineering college in Maharashtra, which has empowered me to advance a teaching philosophy of my own.

I be certain of that it is my responsibility as a faculty to developed students viewpoint ‘how to acquire the skillsets’ and not simply to convey the lecture study material. I likewiseconsider that a personal interaction is crucial for a good faculty – student relationship. Through the variety of our community replicating in our classroom, it is similarlyserious to classify ways to extent out to every individual.              

I am confident that the students must be treated with respect and dignity, also the classroom must be free from unnecessarystress and nervousness. Sincerity, decency and capability to preservehope are extremely conductive to fruitful learning. I have observed that, for degree students, it is mainlysignificant to getresponses about their recentreadiness and difficulties they face through learning in the novelscheme of, in order to schedule my lecture material.

Last but not least, I am attentive of my duties and tasks to support the status of the college I am employed for. As a faculty, I ‘motivate’ my students to implement Engineering as anapproach towards life and attempt to communicate sense of accountability towards the culture and our country.


List of Papers Published

Journal Publication
1 M.V. Takarkhede, SA Band,”Comparative study of synthesis method on dielectric properties of ceramics of binary composition 0.6 PMN–0.4 PZN”, ( Ferroelectrics, 2021/1/25, VOL. 571 (1), 246-255, DOI:10.1080/00150193.2020.1853755, Taylor and Francis)
2 Mamta V. Takarkhede& Sheela A. Band, “Large dielectric response of 0.6PMN-0.4PZN relaxor ferroelectric ceramic for multilayer capacitors”, (Ferroelectrics Letters Section, 2019, 46:4-6, pp111-123, DOI: 10.1080/07315171.2019.1570767,Taylor and Francis)
3 M. V. Takarkhede & S. A. Band ,”Influence of synthesis method on dielectric properties of ceramics of ternary composition PMN-PT-PZN ,” (FERROELECTRICS 2018, VOL. 536, 113–121 DOI: 10.1080/00150193.2018.1528933)
4 M. V. Takarkhede, S. A. Band, “Large dielectric response of 0.6PMN-0.4PZN relaxor ferroelectric ceramic for multilayer capacitors”, (FERROELECTRICS  , Volume 514, 2017 – Issue 1-Taylor and Francis)
5 M. V. Takarkhede, S. A. Band, “Synthesis, Structural and dielectric Properties of  0.8PMN-0.2PT relaxor ferroelectric ceramic”, (Bulletin of Materials Science, Springer  September 2017, Volume 40, Issue 5, pp 917–923,DOI: 10.1007/s12034-017-1444-7)
6 M. V. Takarkhede, S. A. Band, “Development of high performance ferroelectric  material for capacitor and actuator applications”, IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol-6[1], pp.97-103, 2017
7 M. V. Takarkhede, S. A. Band, K. R. Nemade and S. A. Fadanavis, “Effect of sintering   temperature on complex optical properties of 0.8(PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3)–0.2(PbTiO3) system”, Ceramic International Vol. 42[1], Part B, pp. 1021–1025, 2016, Elsevier
8 S. A Band., M .V. Takarkhede, “A comparative study of dielectric properties of PMN  and 0.7PMN-0.3PZN ceramic”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol.2, Issue 11, 2011
Conference Publication
1 Mamta V. Takarkhede, and S. A. Band ,”Structural study of PMN-PT ceramics & its dielectric properties”,,(International Conference on “Multidimensional Role of Basic Science in Advanced Technology” ICMBAT 2018 AIP Conf. Proc. 2104, 020053-1–020053-5; Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1836-3/$30.00)
2  M. V. Takarkhede, S. A. Band, “Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of 0.6  PMN-0.4 PZN by Combustion Method”, International Conference on Recent Trends  in Engineering Science and Technology ,Vol.-[5], pp. 532 – 535, 2017

Other Works

Pre-Engineering Classes In-charge, Subject Coordinator,


Courses in Current Semester (Sem-I & II, 2019-2020) Class Hrs
Engineering Physics ( EE-ETC) Theory-M(6), W(3), S(2) Lab-Tu(4,5),W(6.7), F(4,5)
Engineering Physics (Civil) Theory-M(3), Th(3),S(3) Lab-W(6.7), F(4,5)