Conduct & Discipline

  1. Preamble :

JD College of Engineering & Management (JDCOEM) has established the policies & procedures in the form of Code- of -Conduct not only to promote the mission of the college but also to protect the rights of students, faculties and staff. The college is committed towards achieving an all-round development of its students & to accomplish the same, the following code of conduct has been formulated, which shall be followed by all the students enrolled in various Graduate and Post Graduate programmes of the college.

  1. Why do we need the Code-of-Conduct?

An institution needs the Code-of-Conduct to establish standards of behavior. It provides the following information to the students:

  1. The code which shall be followed by each student.
  2. The steps/actions the college will take in responding to any violations of Code by the student.
  3. The process to be adopted to solve a particular issue.
  4. Suggests reintegration strategies for disciplined student’s behavior.
  5. Specifies the rights & the responsibilities of parents & staff.
  6. Responsibilities of the students:

            To understand the importance of Code-of-Conduct and to follow it strictly.

  1. A) Dress Code:
  2. All the students should follow the college uniform code according to the academic years as prescribed by the college.
  3. Students should not wear T-Shirts or any other clothes that carry offensive or vulgar message that may cause disruption or disorder within the college.
  4. Even when coming to college in civil dress, for some events, students must wear clothes that are conducive to educational environment.
  5. B) Academic Area:
  6. The college reserves the right to detain the students who have less than 75% attendance.
  7. It is compulsory for the students to appear for all tests & PUT (Pre-University Test) conducted by the college and submit the assignments on time. If failed to do the same may result in detention.
  8. All the students are required to attend all classes on time and with the appropriate materials. Students who come late will not be awarded attendance and will be denied entry to the college/class.
  9. Silence shall be maintained in all the academic premises of the college during class hours. Behavior which interferes with student learning will not be tolerated, but at the same time interactive teaching can be adopted.
  10. No students shall enter or leave the classroom while the session is on without the permission of the teacher.
  11. Students will demonstrate respect for all faculty members, staff and fellow students. Requests made to them by the faculty and staff should be accepted & followed, failure to which could lead to parental contact, suspension or expulsion.
  12. Use and/or Possession of Tobacco Products and Alcohol is strictly prohibited.
  13. Students should keep the class room tidy & keep the college premises neat and clean. They should switch off lights and fans when they are not required.
  14. Chocolate wrappers or any other such material should be disposed-off carefully in the dustbins.
  15. Students are not permitted to use mobile phones in any of the academic area i.e. class room, library, computer center, examination halls etc. All types of Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in exam hall and if any student is found in possession of phone, the phone will be confiscated. Use of Laser pointers is strictly prohibited.
  16. Use of internet for any activity other than academics is prohibited.
  17. Students will not misuse the contact number of their Faculties, Teacher Guardian (TG) for any purpose other than academics or in emergency situation.
  18. Students are strictly prohibited from using the social media to harass any faculty, classmate or to send any message on Whatsapp which may be derogatory for the institution, management, academic / non-academic staff.
  19. Interfering or tampering with any of the office records of college shall be considered as a serious offence and may result in suspension/rustication.
  20. Plagiarism of any nature is not permitted.
  21. Calling students out of their classrooms during lectures is prohibited.
  22. C) In campus :
  23. Students should make optimum utilization of their time. They are expected to spend their free time in the Library/Reading room. They shall not loiter around the verandahs or gather in front of the classrooms, offices or on the campus roads. Students are not allowed to sit on places such as parapets, stairs, footpaths, etc.
  24. Usage of lawn for consuming & eating food items is strictly prohibited & if found doing so will be punishable. This is because eating food in garden will invite insects and dogs, which will create discomfort to you all when sitting in the lawn.
  25. All students should carry identity card at all times during their presence in campus and should produce the same whenever asked for.
  26. Students will not be allowed to enter the college without I-Card.
  27. Refusal to identify or falsely identifying one’s self when requested by an institution official shall be liable to punishment.
  28. No students shall collect money either by request or by coercion from others within the campus or hostels without any official notice or permission from higher authorities to do so.
  29. All Students of the College who come by ‘two wheelers’ should have valid Driving License with them and must wear Helmet compulsorily. Students are supposed to obey the instructions of security personnel while entering the campus and while parking the vehicles.
  30. Rash or negligent driving of vehicles, riding in noisy two wheelers, riding with more than one pillion rider in the college premises is prohibited. Students are warned that any violation of rules may result in seizure of their vehicle by the security personnel.
  31. Any kind of physical intimacy is not allowed in college campus.
  32. Act of violence, threatening, harassing or assaultive conduct shall be liable for punishment.
  33. Theft or property damage shall lead to severe punishment.
  34. Engaging or inciting other students to engage by any means whatsoever and performing or attempting to perform an act, which may bring disrepute to other students/faculty of the institution or the institution itself shall not be permitted at all.
  35. Shouting, whistling, making noise in any form, use of abusive/filthy language and gestures shall be strictly prohibited.
  36. Taking out rally, agitation and bringing Sandal/Band in the college premises shall be strictly prohibited.
  37. During industrial visits, guidelines given by the college, HOD and tour- in-charge must be strictly followed.
  38. Holi (Dhulivandan) celebration in the college campus shall be strictly prohibited.
  39. Writing of slogans, comments etc on desks or any other college property, on the clothes of students or on walls of the campus shall not be permitted.
  40. Burning of fire-crackers in the college premises including hostels is a serious offence. Violation of this rule may invite rustication/expulsion of the students who are directly or indirectly involved in this act.
  41. Arranging parties outside the college which may deteriorate/spoil the college name and fame shall not be allowed.
  42. Presenting false testimony – knowingly making false statements regarding a disciplinary matter before; during or after the disciplinary adjudication process shall not be tolerated.
  43. College authorities have strict view regarding safety of girl students in the campus. College is committed to the policy of zero tolerance with regard to harassment, intimidation, and discrimination of any kind of girl students on campus. A committee of three faculty members and three senior class girl students is formed to monitor and report to the authorities regarding any incidence of this type. If any act of harassment/ intimidation/ discrimination of any kind towards girl students is found, severe penalty will be imposed on the perpetrators of such crimes.
  44. Ragging of the student is an offence under Indian Penal Code. Any student found involved in this act shall be punishable as per the law.
  45. Students should not carry any valuables to the college and they should take care of their belongings. The college authorities will not be responsible for loss or theft of any valuables. (Gold, Electronic items, documents etc)
  46. Students should check the Notice Boards of the respective departments & keep themselves updated about all the notices & other instructions of the department.
  47. The college will not intimate the students & will also not be responsible for submission of forms or any other documents. It is the duty of the students to know the date of submission of the forms and documents. They should be aware of the last date of submission of their forms or documents.
  48. The students should apply at least 3 days in advance before demanding any document from the institution.
  49. An amount of Rs 50 shall be charged for issuing duplicate I-Cards.
  50. Students should use the Common Room only after taking the permission from the faculty during the academic hours.
  51. Students should take the help of teacher-guardian (TG) while solving their academic & admission related issues & should not visit the admin or student section without the consent of the TG.
  52. Bullying or using of force against fellow student will be considered as a serious offence.
  53. Behavior in the Bus:
  54. The students should board the bus in a proper queue.
  55. Should not make noise in the bus or shout slogans or increase the volume of their cell-phones.
  56. Seating arrangements allotted by the bus coordinator must be followed.
  57. General Instructions :
    1. Students should not misuse their I-Cards
    2. Students should not use unfair means in examinations, tests and other assignments
    3. Students should not disobey orders issued by, or make a false official statement to any Institute Official, faculty, staff member or other authorized individuals.
    4. Students should not misuse library facilities; deface or damage library books, or have unauthorized possession of library material
    5. Students should not furnish false information to the institute withholding material information from the Institute or alter or falsify Institute’s records with the intent of receiving some undeserved advantage.
    6. It is expected that the student will take maximum participation in all the technical activities of the college & try to involve or participate in any non-technical event or activity of his/her interest.
    7. Student should clear all their dues/fees within 15 days from the commencement of the session or before the agreed date.
    8. All the necessary documents should be submitted within15 days from the commencement of the session. The college authorities will not be responsible for the rejection of exam form/ scholarship form or any other form for lack of necessary documents.
    9. The scholarship forms should be submitted with all necessary documents within15 days from the commencement of the session.
    10. Violations.

The following actions of the student will be considered as an act of violation of the code which have been categorized accordingly.

  1. Group I :
  • General Disruptive Conduct : Any behavior which disrupts the orderly educational process.
  • Information others find Offensive : Sending, using or possessing and/or distributing material including information accessed and distributed through cyberspace/social media that others find offensive, sending or using information that others find offensive that may be disruptive to the educational process.
  • Use of Provocative Language : Obscene language, profanity, threats and/or inflammatory statements..
  • Leaving College/ Grounds without Permission.
  1. Group II :
  • False Accusation : The intentional making of false accusations that may jeopardize the professional reputation of any staff member.
  • False Fire Alarm : The intentional activation of a fire alarm, fire bell or other signaling device with intent to deceive, mislead or otherwise misinform a college/center/college function concerning the presence of a fire.
  • Participation in Organizations not sanctioned by the Principal or College Authority: Participation in clubs, fraternities, sororities or secret societies that are not sanctioned by the Principal.
  • Vandalism : The willful or malicious damage and/or destruction of college property or the property of others include graffiti.
  • Group III :
  • Fighting : (Physical altercation between two people). When two or more persons participate in physical violence that may require physical intervention and/or restraint and /or results in injury.
  • Harassment : Severe or repeated hostile treatment or violence against a student, including continual invasion of “personal space” because of his/her gender, race, color , religion, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability.
  • Participation in Gang-Related Activity : Participating in recruitment or wearing or possessing gang-related colors or logos and other such related activities on college grounds or college sponsored activities.
  • Causing Mayhem : Use of a dangerous weapon, substance or chemical that results in disfiguring, crippling or inflicting serious or permanent physical injury upon another person or acting with the intent to disfigure, cripple or inflict serious or permanent injury upon another person.
  • Arson : Any willful or malicious igniting of a fire which causes damage or is intended to cause damage to college property, the property of others or a person.
  1. Punishment & Penalties:

The students are expected to follow the code of conduct very strictly and if they do not do so the college authorities may take the following actions.

  1. Warning : A warning will be given to the students under such conditions like attendance or academic performance & the parents will be informed.
  2. Punishment without Warning: the college has a right to punish the students without any warning if there is an incidence of physical assault on the teaching & non teaching staff of the college or if it is found that the student has been using social media for defaming the college, or the faculty members.
  3. Tendering Apology: The student engaged in any prohibited behavior may be asked to tender an apology for his/her act, undertaking that he/she shall not indulge in such or any of the prohibited behavior in future and to follow it very strictly.
  4. Fines: The student engaged in any prohibited behavior/conduct may be asked to pay a fine up to Rs.5000/- towards student’s welfare fund.
  5. Forfeiture: The tool used by the student in violating the code of conduct shall be forfeited.
  6. Non evaluation of course: Students who indulge in any form of malpractice during the process of his/her evaluation, or try to influence the evaluator from any source, he/she shall not be evaluated for that course.
  7. Debarring from attending campus recruitment: A student/group of students shall be prevented from registering for college placement cell and debarred from attending any campus placement related activities.
  8. Suspension of Privileges: A student/group of students shall be prevented from availing privilege like using common academic facilities (e.g. library, computer centre etc), recommendations for loan/scholarship/fellowship etc; representing the institution in any national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc.
  9. Suspension from college :

The student can be suspended from the college on the following grounds:

  1. If he/she violates the code of conduct which leads to lowering the esteem of the college or indulges in any activity which endangers the dignity and safety of other students or staff of the college and if the college authorities find any prima facie evidence available against the student, he/she shall be suspended from the college for a maximum period of 15 days, pending further enquiry by the college authorities.
  2. A student may also be suspended from the college for violation of any of the provisions of this code. The period of suspension and conditions, if any, shall be clearly indicated in the communication addressed to the student. The student shall lose his/her attendance for the suspended tenure. The tenure of suspension shall be decided based on the findings and recommendations of the enquiry committee.
  3. Restitution: Restitution implies reimbursement in terms of money and/or services to compensate for personal injury or loss, damage/disfiguration to property of the college or any property kept in the premises of the college in any manner. The students/group of students may be asked to compensate for the loss that has been caused to any person or property of the college or any property kept in the premises of the college due to the act of vandalism perpetrated by the students. The students/group of students shall also be liable to put in their service to restore any loss or damage caused to any property and thereby bringing it to its original form if it is possible.
  4. Detaining from Examinations: A student/group of students may be detained or debarred from writing all/any/some of the examinations, which form part of the academic programme for which he/she/they has/have joined.
  5. Expulsion: This is the extreme form of disciplinary action and shall be resorted to only in cases where stringent action is warranted. Expulsion is the permanent dismissal of a student from the college. Any student who is persistently insubordinate, who is repeatedly or willfully mischievous even after warning and punishments, in the opinion of the competent authority, is likely to have an unwholesome influence on his/her fellow students, shall be removed from the rolls with immediate effect. Such a student shall not be eligible for readmission to any of the courses of this college.
  6. Other appropriate sanctions shall be imposed by the competent authority of the institution singularly or in combination with any of the above listed actions.