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1. What is autonomy?

Autonomy is a functional status given to the colleges, by the University Grants Commission and University. It provides greater flexibility towards purely academic development for upliftment of academic standards and excellence.

2. What is the need for autonomy?

  • The affiliating system of colleges was originally designed when their number in a university was small. The system has now become unwieldy and it is becoming increasingly difficult for a university to attend to the varied needs of individual colleges.
  • The regulations of the university and its common system, governing all colleges alike, irrespective of their characteristic strengths, weaknesses and locations, have affected the academic development of individual colleges.
  • Colleges that have the potential for offering programmes of a higher standard do not have the freedom to modernize their curricula or make them locally relevant or globally competent.
  • The Education Commission (1964-66) recommended college autonomy, which, in essence, is the instrument for promoting academic excellence.

3. What kind of autonomous status a college can avail?

As per the present norms of UGC and University, college can avail only the ACADEMIC Autonomy status not a financial or full autonomy.

4. What are the objectives of autonomy as per the National Policy on Education? Or what kind of flexibility / freedom is available for autonomous college?

An autonomous college will have the freedom to:

  • Determine and prescribe its own courses of study and syllabi, and restructure and redesign the courses to suit local needs;
  • Offer student-centric wide choice in courses, wide range of electives and freedom in choice of courses.
  • Periodical change in syllabus as per changing need
  • Prescribe rules for admission in consonance with the reservation policy of the state government;
  • Evolve methods of assessment of students’ performance, the conduct of examinations and notification of results;
  • Use modern tools of educational technology to achieve higher standards and greater creativity; and
  • Promote healthy practices such as community service, extension activities, projects for the benefit of the society at large, neighbourhood programmes, etc.

5. Who provides autonomous status to colleges?

The University Grants Commission (UGC) – an autono mous body of the Ministry of HRD, Govt of India is entrusted provide autono mous status for six years after two stages of verification by the UGC itself and the affiliating University.

The parent University will confer the status of autonomy upon a college that is permanently affiliated, with the concurrence of the State Government and the University Grants Commission.

6. What is the difference between a Deemed University and an Autonomy College?

A Deemed University is fully autonomous to the extent of awarding its own Degree. A Deemed University is usually a Non-Affiliating version of a University and has similar responsibilities like any University.

An Autonomous College enjoys Academic Autonomy alone. The University to which an autonomous college is affiliated will have checks on its performance of the autonomous college.

7. What about the fee structure in autonomous colleges?

The fees charged for traditional BA/BSc/MA/MSc degrees will be according to the parent university norms. But for add-on, additional courses, Vocational Component, Skill Improvement programme, moderate separate fees could be charged.

8. What is the benefit to the Students and Teachers of autonomous colleges?

An autonomous college carries a prestigious image for the students and the teachers. Autonomy reflects efforts for excellence in academic performances, capability of self governance and enhancement in the quality of education. Autonomy is actually earned out of our continued past efforts on academic performances, our capability of self governance and the kind of quality education we offer. 

Most important, in a competitive education market, each college has a reputation to protect—easy grades give a cheap reputation. Reputation is a more reliable tool than standardization to sustain the quality of education.

9. What are the pre-requisites for becoming autonomous?

All colleges recognized under section 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC Act with sufficient academic and non-academic resources are eligible to apply for conferment of UGC autonomy.

Autonomous status covers certificate diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate and Phd programmes offered in colleges.

10. Who are the stake-holders to avail the benefits of autonomy?

The major stake holders of an autonomous college are:

  1. Faculty b)Students c)Parent/Guardian d)Alumni
  2. Local community

11. Who grants the degree in an autonomous college?

The Parent University (i.e Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Dist.Raigad) will award degree to the students evaluated and recommended by the autonomous college. The degree certificates will be in a common format devised by the University. The name of the college will be mentioned in the degree certificates. 

Autonomous colleges that have completed three terms can confer the degree under their title, with the seal of the university.

12. What is the minimum period for autonomous status to a college?

10 years.

13. How does the examination system function in an autonomous college?

Students’ performance is examined internally and externally. Continuous assessment and range of assessment options 

  1. Written Test (not more than one or two for each course as applicable)
  2. Term Paper
  3. Journal/Lecture/Library notes
  4. Seminar presentation
  5. Short Quizzes
  6. Assignments
  7. Extension Work
  8. An Open Book Test
  9. Mini Research Project by an individual student or a group of students
  10. Field work / Visit reports

To ensure fairness and justice to students, various alternatives are adopted in the examination system.

14. What is the role of office of Controller of Examination (CoE)?

The Exam Committee is responsible for the smooth conduct of the Semester examinations, submission of assignments, and additional examinations. All matters involving the conduct of examinations, spot valuations, tabulations, preparation of Grade Cards etc fall within the duties of the Office of the Controller of Examinations.

15. Who declares the result?

The CGPA grades that are tabulated by the Controller of Examination is reviewed by the moderation committee. Any deviation and discrepancies are deliberated and removed. The entire result is discussed in the Academic Programme Evaluation Committee (APEC) for its approval. The result is declared on the college notice boards as well as on the web site of the college. A copy is also sent to the University.

16. Can the college give a provisional degree certificate?

Since the examinations are conducted by COE of the College and the results are also declared by COE of the college, the college sends a list of successful candidates with their final Grades and Grade Point Averages including CGPA to the University. With the prior permission of the University, the college will be entitled to give the provisional certificate.

17. What are the Statutory Committees of an autonomous college?

The statutory committees are

  1. Governing Body
  2. Academic Council
  3. Board of Studies
  4. Finance committee
  5. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

18. What are the non-statutory committees?

The non-Statutory Committees are

  1. Planning & Development committee
  2. Grievance Redressal Committee
  3. Anti Ragging Committee
  4. Research and Development Committee
  5. Students Welfare Committee
  6. Prevention of Sexual harassment committee.
  7. Library Committee
  8. Sports Committee
  9. Cultural Committee
  10. Admission Committee
  11. Academic coordination committee
  12. Extra Curricular Committee
  13. Academic Audit Committee
  14. Hostel & Canteen Committee

19. Can short term courses be offered by autonomous colleges beyond the curriculum?

Yes. The college can offer special need-based short term courses under the departments of the college for the benefit of the students and outsiders can also enrol for them.

20. How can an autonomous College start new degree / Post Graduate courses?

An autonomous College is free to start a new degree or Post Graduate course with the approval of the Academic Council of the College. Such courses shall fulfill the minimum standards prescribed by the University / UGC in terms of number of hours, curricular consent and standards. The college may rename the existing course after restructuring / redesigning it and the University should be duly informed of such proceedings so that it may award new degrees in place of the old.

The University has the right to review and scrutinize all new courses of an autonomous college and can modify them in consultation with UGC.

21. Who will check whether the academic standard is maintained / improved after Autonomy? How will it be checked?

There has to be a built in mechanism in the autonomous college working for this purpose. An Internal Committee called Academic Programme Evaluation Committee (APEC) is a Non-Statutory body, will keep a watch on the academics and keep its reports and recommendations every year. 

In addition to APEC, Senate, the highest academic body, also supervises the academic matters. At the end of three years, there is an external inspection by the University for this purpose. The standards of question papers, the regularity of academic calendar, attendance of students, speed and transparency of result declaration and such other parameters are involved in this process.

22. What is the role of State Government towards assistance to Autonomous College?

  1. The Government has to convey in Concurrence for the extension of autonomy of any college by the UGC within the stipulated time of 90 days after receipt of the review Committee report. The State Government has to give a no objection to the college continuing to be autonomous.
  1. The Government has to depute a nominee on time to the Governing body of Government colleges and other bodies wherever their nominees are to be included.


Q. Can I visit JDCOEM before taking admission to the college?
Ans.  Yes. In fact, we encourage that. Please book a campus tour prior to your arrival call on:(no)

Q. Are there any orientation programmes conducted after 12th standard examination?
Ans.  Yes we conduct TechNova One Day workshop on Robotics to introduce students   to frontier areas of technology against the payment of Rs.100. You can contact:(No)

Q. Does the college conduct the Pre-Engineering Classes?
Ans.  Yes we do. One month Pre-Engineering Workshop is conducted during the last week of May. For details call(no)

Q. How can I seek admission to JDCOEM?
Ans:  On the basis of you CET/JEE score and 12th standard board examination marks, you can apply though Common Admission Process or else apply for management quota.

Q. Can I get admission after completion of CAP rounds directly?
Ans:   Yes you can get the admission subjected to document verification done at the  FC Centres set up by Directorate of Technical Education, Govt.of Maharashtra.

Q. What is the difference in pursuing engineering from the college affiliated to Technological University(DBATU)?
Ans:  There are numerous benefits in pursuing  engineering from  DBATU:

  1. The syllabus contents are dynamic which is subjected to revision after every 6 months.
  2. There is participation of industry representatives across different sectors in syllabus framing.
  3. 6 weeks Internship is facilitated at the university level.
  4. Syllabus at par with IITs and NITs
  5. Choice of major and minor programmes

Q. Whom should I contact for Admission assistance?
Ans:       We  have Admission Assistance Cell(AAC).  You can mail  or call(No)

Q. What is the induction programme?
Ans:  It is an orientation program to familiarize the new students with the campus, academic pro-gram, grading, campus facilities, events and activities, and systems. It is conducted before the academic commencement of the undergraduate engineering program and mandated by the DBATU

Q. If I choose not to join the program, will I get the admission deposit back?
Ans: The University shall refund the admission deposit fee after deducting   cancellation charges, if such a request is received before the specified date. If a candidate requests for withdrawal any time thereafter, no such request shall be processed.

M. Tech and MBA

( These are the Specific questions. The FAQs related to visit, admission support, scholarships will be the same)

Q.  Is GATE score mandatory for admission to M.Tech?
Ans:   Yes, the positive GATE Score is mandatory.

Q.  Am I eligible for Teaching Assistantship?
Ans: This is offered   on   case to case basis.

Q. Shall I get the placement and   support for live projects?
Ans: Yes certainly at the central T&P level.

Q.  Am I entitled for what scholarships schemes?
Ans: The government scholarship under various categories can   be availed. The other scholarships are same as undergraduate courses.


Q.  Can I apply with my previous year’s CET/CAT/MAT/XAT/CMAT scores?
Ans:  No, only current year CAT score is valid. The same applies to other national level admission tests such as XAT, MAT, CMAT and MH-CET.

Q.  Shall I get the placement and   support for live projects?
Ans: Yes certainly at the central T&P level.