
Prof. Pravin Gupta
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering.
About the Faculty
As a responsible Training and Placement Officer of Civil Engineering Department, I believe that, if my students develop self-discipline and good academic grades during their education, they will definitely achieve a good position and will have variety of opportunities to choose their career.
My teaching experience of 6 years has enhanced my skill and which, I am shearing with my students so that they can become and strong technocrats in future and helpful them to curve out a responsible carrier in their domain. I hope this will also help them to achieve a better placement.
Journal Publication | |
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Nilesh Pal “ Treating the waste water using hybrid waste land system, international journal of innovative research in technology, volume 8 issue 1 1 june 2021.
Nilesh pal “Design of a hybrid construction wetland reactor for the treatment of waste water, international journal for research in applied science & Engineering and technology, volume 9 issue 6, june 2021. |
Journal Publication | |
1 | Nilesh Pal “A Review- To treat the solid waste or organic waste by using anaerobic digestion process. Volume-6, issue III, May 2020. ISSN No. 2454-132X. |
2 | Nilesh Pal “Optimization of dairy waste water characteristics in bio reactor using bio digestion process” International jouranal of creative research thoughts. Volume 8, issue 7, july 2020, paper id IJCRT20007492. |
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Nilesh Pal “ Construction of water absorbing pavement by using asphalt” International journal of engineering research and technology, Vol 9, Issue 7, july 2020, ISSN No. : 2278-0181. |
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Nilesh Pal “Application of activated carbon for waste water treatment, International journal of research and analytical review, Volume 7, Issue I, March 2020, registration id : IJRAR2001584 |
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Nilesh pal, Removal of oil & grease from wastewater by electrocoagulation, TEQIP, Nov 2012.
Nilesh pal, “ literature survey on raw water treatment, IJRESET, Vol 7, Issue 3, March 2019 |
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Nilesh pal, “ study and analysis of constructed wetland, International journal for engineering application and technology, Vol 3, Issue 9, sep 2017.
Nilesh pal, “ analysis of contamination of ground water due to dumpk yard, vol 5, Issue 3, March 2017 |
Journal Publication | |
1 | Nilesh Pal “Removal of oil and grease from waste water by electrocoagulation process, IOSR-2014, Volume 3, Issue III. |
List of On-Campus courses taught at JDCOEM | No. of Semesters Taught |
1. Environmental Engineering
2. Hydraulics 3. Fluid Mechanics 4. Air pollution and solid waste management 5. Environmental Remediation of Contaminated Sites 6. Life Science
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