
Dr. Parvin Shaikh
HOD, Business Administration
B.H.M.S, 2001 Nagpur University, Nagpur
M.B.A (HRM), 2011 Pune University
UGC NET for Lectureship, 2012
L.L.B, 2018, RTMNU, Nagpur
Ph.D., 2019, RTMNU, Nagpur
Contact Details
Assistant Professor,
Department of Management Studies,
JD College of Engineering and Management,
Phone: +91-9922411346
About the Faculty
I strongly believe that Faculty at a PG level should act as a Facilitator. I believe that students at this stage should be treated as mature individuals, who have to be groomed into future leaders. The students need to be prepared for the challenges that await them in the corporate world.
I believe that it is our duty as a teacher to make the subject interesting by sharing practical application based examples and move away from rote learning. We as teachers must engage the students in activity based learning. It is our duty to empower them by giving them the opportunity for decision making & problem solving.
Today’s Youth are very energetic. This energy needs to be channelized appropriately by making them responsible & accountable. The techno savvy generation needs technology based pedagogical tools. It is equally important to inculcate moral and environmental values among them.
Sponsored projects
- Co-Investigator for ICSSR sponsored Research Project (March 2016-2018). Sanctioned amount Rs. 10 lakhs. Project Title “A Pragmatic Approach for CSR-Audit- Developing An Inclusive Framework”
List of Papers Published (last 2 years)
Conference Publication | |
1 | Shaikh,P. & Rahate, V. (2019), ‘Social Media & Digital Marketing: Avenues for Careers to Entrepreneurship’, International Conference (ICDE 2018) organized by IIM-R |
Conference Publication | |
1 | Shaikh,P. & Rahate, V. (2018), ‘Societal Transformation and Organizational Appreciation Through Strategic CSR’, 21st Nirma International Conference on Management (NICOM 2018) organized by Nirma Institute of Management Studies at Ahmedabad |
Other Works
Books Chapter Published: | |||
Banerjee R, Bhadouria S, Gupta S, Shaikh P, “Antecedents of Work Life Balance”, Insights of Social Science Research, (2019), ISBN: 978-81-942473-1-9
Courses in Current Semester (Sem-I & III, 2019-2020) | Class Hrs |
Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat |
Performance and Compensation Management, Tapomoy Deb, Performance appraisal and management- concepts, antecedents and implications, Excel Books | Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat |
List of On-Campus courses taught at JDCOEM | No. of Semesters Taught |
Legal and Business Environment [1T6] | 1 |
Performance and Compensation Management [MBEIII – 12] | 1 |