
Electronics Devices & Circuits Laboratory

This laboratory lays the foundation for the Electronics and Communication Engineering students to understand the basic working principle of electronic devices, to specify various active and passive electronic components and devices.

Analog Communication Laboratory

This lab helps the students to design, construct and test the working of analog circuits such as transistor amplifiers, operational amplifiers and oscillators.

Digital Circuits & Fundamental of Microprocessor Laboratory

This lab helps the students to develop their knowledge on basic digital circuits and on processor architecture and its programming skills.

Digital Communication Laboratory

This laboratory focuses on training the students in digital transmission/reception of signals. The students are trained for constructing the circuits for digital modulations.

Electronics Workshop Laboratory

The electronics workshop is involved in understanding the basic concepts of electronics components, the design and routing circuits and manufacturing of circuits.

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

This laboratory introduces students to DSP design and analysis techniques that are core knowledge for DSP engineers, and which serve as solid grounding for advanced level work in DSP.

Digital System Design Laboratory

This lab is used for modelling of combinational and sequential logic circuits using VHDL/Verilog and implementation of digital circuits on Xilinx FPGAs

Microwave & Radar Laboratory

In this lab High frequency systems are taught through applied projects in the Radar and Microwaves Laboratory.

Control System Engineering Laboratory

This lab contains a variety of equipment used in design and experimentation of digital and analog electromechanical feedback control systems

Computer Communication Laboratory

This laboratory is used to provide students practical and functional learning on howdifferent  protocols work at the different layer of the Internet suite.

Embedded System Laboratory

This lab supports teaching and research in embedded systems and re-configurable hardware technology.

Microcontroller Laboratory

Microcontrollers’ laboratory helps the students to develop their knowledge on controller architecture and the programming skills.

Analog Circuit Design Laboratory

This laboratory is designed for students to have a complete idea of how an analog integrated circuit is implemented.

e-Yantra Laboratory

‘E-Yantra’ platform helps the students to create utility based robotic applications for usage across variety of applications such as: agriculture, manufacturing, defense, home, city maintenance and services industries.

Reading Room (Departmental Library)

The Department Library occupies a unique place in academic and research activities of the Department.

Virtual Lab.

Remote access to simulation based Labs in various disciplines of  Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department.