Quizowar- 2k17

Department of Electrical Engineering at J. D. College of engineering has organized college level Quiz competition on 3rd,4th, 5th of August 2017 under DELTA Forum. On the first day Prof. S. Gupta Head of the department of EE and Prof. R.R. Hete has inaugurated the Event.

Quizowar is a game which can also be called as mind sport wherein the players are posed to answers the questions to win the competition. It was designed such that the participants will improve their technical knowledge along with creative ideas

During Program four rounds has been conducted on separate days. For the first round participants have to use any source to get the answer within 20 minutes. The response from the participants was excellent on the first round itself and submitted answer within such stipulated time. For the second round participants have to answer the technical questions.

   The selected participants from second round have appeared for the audiovisual basics. This round is headed by the judges Prof. Padmanabh A. Gadge Principal of J.D. Polytechnic   and Prof. Sudhir Gore HOD of Electrical Department from JD Polytechnic which is audiovisual round.

At the end of the event HOD of the department Prof. S. Gupta has congratulates to the winners and motivates all to be the part of such technical event. Event is ended with vote of thanks to all the participants as well as to the judges who has given their valuable time along with the Forum committee members for their successful execution.