
Prof.Akanksha S. Sontakke
Assistant Professor, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

B.E.(ETC) 20007 SGB Amravati,
M.Tech (Communication Engg.) 2015 RTM Nagpur
Contact Details
Assisstant Professor, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering JD College of Engineering and Management,Nagpur.

+91- 8087955809 (Residence)
About the Faculty
I am Assistant Professor in the faculty of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering at J D College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur. I Completed Master Degree in 2015 from RTM Nagpur University and bachelor degree from SGB Amravati University in 2007. I am having total 12 years of teaching experience. I published more than 20 papers in various international journal and conferences. I received prestigious “Outstanding Recognition Award” for the year of 2014, also “Academic Excellence Awards” for the year of 2013-14. I am Life time member of ISTE.
List of Papers Published (last 5 years)
Journal Publication | ||
1 | Prof. V. Choudhary,Anita M. Bhagat1 Ashwini G. Thakare1 Kajal A. Molke1 Neha S. Muneshwar1, ”IOT Based Weather Monitoring and Reporting System Project” , International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume: 3 | Issue: 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470 |
Conference Publication | ||
1 | Prof. V. Choudhary,Anita M. Bhagat1 Ashwini G. Thakare1 Kajal A. Molke1 Neha S. Muneshwar1, ”IOT Based Weather Monitoring and Reporting System Project”, 5th International Conference on Innovation & Research in Engineering, Science & Technology held at TGPCET< Nagpur on 22nd -23rd March 2019. |
Journal Publication | ||
1 | Prof. V.P. Choudhari, Kunal Khandar, Namrata Thakre,” Smart EVM Machine” UGC Delhi Approved journal , VIBGYOR Bi Annual Multidisciplinary Research Journal (ISSN Number-22774491) in Volume 5 No. 1Edition February 2018. |
Conference Publication | ||
1 | Prof. Vaibhav P Choudhari, Prof. J.M. Bhattad,” IEEE 802.15.4 for Intelligent Transport System Application” , Techno Tronics-15 An International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics & Communication Engineering held at TGPCET on 22nd & 23rd April 2015. |
Courses in Current Semester (Sem-II, 2019-2020) | Class Hrs |
Analog Communication Engineering 1. Kennedy, “Electronics Communications Systems”, McGraw-Hill New Delhi-1997, 4th Edition. 2. Anokh Singh, “Principles of communication engineering” S.Chand 3. Roddy & Coolen, “Electronic communication” PHI 4. Taub & Schilling “Principles of communication systems” TMH |
M, Th, F 10AM to 10.50PM |
List of On-Campus courses taught at JDCOEM | No. of Semesters Taught |
Digital Communication | 5 |
Digital Logic Design | 1 |
Communication Electronics | 6 |
Digital Logic Design | 1 |
Analog Circuit Design | 2 |
Television Engineering | 2 |
Wireless & Mobile Communication | 1 |
Analog Communication Engineering | 1 |
Linear Integrated Circuit | 2 |
Off-Campus courses
List of Off-Campus courses taught at JDCOEM
- Digital Communication
- Digital Logic Design
- Analog Communication