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POs & PEOs

Program Outcomes

PO 1: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences and engineering as applicable to the fields of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.

PO 2: An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret the data.

PO 3: An ability to design a component, system or process to meet the desired requirements within realistic constraints such as social, political, health & safety, manufacturability and Sustainability.

PO 4: An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.

PO 5: An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.

PO 6: An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.

PO 7: An ability to communicate effectively.

PO 8: The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solution in a global, economic, environmental, and social context.

PO 9: Recognition of the need for ability to engage in lifelong learning.

PO 10: Knowledge of contemporary technologies and tools and related issue.

PO 11: An ability to use the techniques, skills &modern engineering tools necessary for Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering  practices.

PO 12: An ability to understand the industrial problems of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering specifically in the area of Electronics design (Hardware and Software) and optimizations techniques to provide necessary solutions.

Program Educational Objectives

PEO 1: Preparation: The Graduates of the department will have Strong foundation in mathematics, basic sciences and engineering fundamentals to successfully compete for the various entry level positions or pursue higher studies in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and allied fields.

PEO 2: Core Competence & Breadth: The Graduates of the department will have lifelong learning skills, familiarity with modern tools and practices in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and related domains, broad prospective of global concepts to function successfully on the local, nation a land international platforms.

PEO 3: Professionalism & Learning Environment: The Graduates of the department will be leaders with strong communication and interpersonal skills, capability to work efficiently in multidisciplinary teams, understanding of ethical and  environmental constrains in engineering practices and deal with social and safety issues along with respect for intellectual property.

Program Specific Outcomes

PSO 1: Apply the basic knowledge acquired in Electronic Devices and Circuits, Electromagnetic fields, signal processing, communication engineering, VLSI circuits and Embedded Systems to provide efficient solutions to engineering problems.

PSO 2: Should acquire the skills to communicate and document the ideas with necessary road maps and demonstrating the practices of professional ethics for societal and environmental wellbeing.