Workshops & Expert Lectures

Sr No Name of STTP Name of


Year Funding Agency
1 AICTE sponsored skill & personality development program for SC/ST students Dr. U. S. Dange 2019-2020 14,37,000
2 Mitigation and finding generic solution for network security in the wireless domain Dr. S. V. Sonekar 2018-19 ISTE / AICTE- ISTE/ FDP/I3327971248/2018
Fund Sanctioned (3.5 Lakhs)
3 FDP on Outcome based pedagogic approach for Effective Teaching, Learning & Accreditation Dr. P. B. Maheshwary 10 to 14 December 2019 DBATU Lonere under TEQUIP III
Fund sanctioned (2.5 Lakhs
4 Product design and development (FDP) Dr. B. R. Mahajan 23 to 27 November, 2018 DBATU Lonere under TEQUIP III
Fund sanctioned (2.25 Lakhs)
5 “Enhancing Moral, Ethical & Emotional Competencies (MEE) in Engineering Students: The Need for Paradigm Shift in Pedagogy” (FDP) Dr. U. S. Dange 01 to 11 November 2017 AICTE
Fund Sanctioned (2.25 Lakhs)
6 ICT Mode STTP on,”Assessment and Evaluation Under Outcome Based Education” Dr. B.R. Mahajan 10/06/2019 – 14/06/2019 NITTTR Kolkatta
Fund Sanctioned (30,000/-)
7 ICT Mode STTP on Problem Solving and Decision Making Dr. B.R. Mahajan 31/12/2018 – 04/01/2019 NITTTR Kolkatta
Fund Sanctioned (30,000/-)
8 ICT Mode STTP on Evaluating Students Performance and Designing Question Papers Dr. B.R. Mahajan 25/02/2019-01/03/2019 NITTTR Kolkatta
Fund Sanctioned (12,750 /-)
9 RHYTHM – 6 days Faculty Development Program Mrs. Surabhi Pranav 04-06-18 to 09-06-18 Self Sponsored
10 FDP organized by wellness centre Mrs. Surabhi Pranav 17/06/2017 Self Sponsored
11 One day workshop on ,”Universal Mental Health First Aid” Mrs. Surabhi Pranav 28/04/2019 Self Sponsored
12 Faculty Development Programme for Non Teaching Faculty Mrs. Surabhi Pranav 2018-19 Self Sponsored