Dr. Sanjay Haridas

Dr. Sanjay Haridas

Dean ( Academics )


B.E.(Electronics) 1988 RTMNU, Nagpur

M.Tech(Electronics) 1995 RTMNU Nagpur

Ph.D. (Electronics) 2012

Contact Details

Dean Academics

JD College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur.

Email: haridassanjay67@gmail.com

Phone:   +91 – 8788864853

About the Faculty

I have a  total experience of 32 Years which involves working as Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Professor, HOD, Vice Principal and Principal.  I have completed my degree from RTMNU in the year 1988, M.Tech from RTMNU in the year 1995 and Phd in 2012..

I believe that teachers are nation builders and should be responsible and very dedicated to their profession.

They should always be ready to adapt any change which will prove beneficial for the better growth of this field.


List of Papers Published (last 5 years)

Journal Publication
1 S. L. Haridas & Dr. N.K. Choudhari, A Low Power Viterbi Decoder Design using Hybrid Register Exchange Processing for wireless Applications, International Journal of Electronics & Telecommunication and Instrumentation Engineering (IJETIE), ISSN 0974-4975, Volume 3, April-June 2010
2 S. L. Haridas & Dr. N.K. Choudhari, A Low Power Viterbi Decoder Design with Minimum Transition Hybrid Register Exchange Processing for wireless Applications, International Journal of VLSI Design & Communication Systems (IJVLSICS)  Volume no. 1, no.4, ISSN: 0976 – 1357, Dec 2010
3 S. L. Haridas and Dr. N. K. Choudhari, Very Low Power Viterbi Decoder Employing Minimum Transition and Exchanges Algorithms for  Multimedia Mobile Communication, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications IJACSA, ISSN 2156-5570, Volume 2, no. 12, Dec2011
4 Dr. S. L Haridas & Sagar Jain, Energy Efficient Automized Bottling Plant Using PLC & SCADA With Speed Variable Conveyor Assembly, International Journal of Scientific Research Journal of Electronics & Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE) e-ISSN: 2278-2834,p- ISSN: 2278-8735. Volume 9, Issue 1, Ver. II, PP 09-14, Jan 2014
5 Dr. S. L. Haridas & Vipin Vaidya, Acknowledging GSM Controlled Robot, International Journal of Engineering Research & Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622, April 2014.
6 Dr. S. L Haridas & Sagar Jain, Energy Efficient Automized Public Utility Building, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE) ISSN:2277 128X, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2014
7 Dr. S. L. Haridas & Vipin Vaidya, Controlling Robot through SMS with Acknowledging facility, International Journal of Scientific Research Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), ISSN:2320-3331, Volume 9, Issue 3 Ver. III, , PP 65-69, Jun 2014
Dr. S. L. Haridas & Sushma Mahakalkar, Review on floating-point multiplier using ancient techniques, International Journal of Scientific Research Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), e-ISSN: 2278-1676,  p-ISSN: 2320-3331, PP 01-04, 2014
9 Dr. S. L. Haridas & Sadaf khan, Real-Time Object Tracking using Mean Shift Algorithm- A Review, International Journal of advanced Information and Communication Technology (IJAICT) ISSN:2348-9928 (O),  ISSN:2348-9928(P), Volume 1, Issue 7, Nov 2014
10 Ms. Priti Kapse & Dr. S.L. Haridas, Design of Quaternary Adder for high-speed application,  International Journal of Science, Technology & Management (IJSTM), ISSN 2394-1537, volume 4, Issue 1, March 2015
11 Dr. S. L. Haridas & Sadaf khan, Object tracking in real-time video using mean shift algorithm, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, IJSRD, ISSN 2221-0613, Vol, Jun 2015
12 Dr. S. L. Haridas & Mukul Warghat, Face recognition by using Gabor Wavelet, Rough set theory and KNN, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, IJSRD, ISSN 2321-0613, Vol 3 issue 4,June 2015, June 2015
13 Dr. S. L. Haridas & Sadaf Khan, Object tracking using modified mean shift algorithm in a robust manner, International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering (IJSTE), ISSN:2349-784X, Vol 2, issue 1, July 2015
14 Dr. S. L. Haridas & Neeta Thune, Trellis Coded Modulation(TCM) System for Satellite Communication: A Review, International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) ISSN 2395-1621, Volume 1 Issue 7, Page 507-512, Jul 2015
15 Dr. S. L. Haridas & Priyanka Zade, Design of the Physical layer of PCI express using VHDL, Aug 2015
16 Mr. Amit Bhutada & Dr. S. L. Haridas, Analytical study of Multipliers for High-Speed Applications, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer & Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), Vol 5, Issue 4, ISSN: 2319-5940(P), ISSN: 2278-1021(O), April 2016
17 Dr. S.L. Haridas & Nikhil Vyawahare, Design of SIMO module for white space utilization under ISM band: A review Analysis, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering & Technology (IJLTET), ISSN 2278-621X, vol 7, issue 1,
18 S. K.Tadse, & Dr. S.L.Haridas, Design of Asynchronous Viterbi Decoder for Low Power Applications”, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC) ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 5 Issue: 4, April-2017.
19 Dr. S.L. Haridas & Nikhil Vyawahare, Conniving Challenges in Secondary Femtocell Network using DSA on White-Space Channel, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 169 – No.7, Jul 2017
20 Dr. S. L Haridas & G. D. Korde, Low Power Asynchronous Viterbi Decoder Using Hybrid Register Exchange Method, International Journal of Scientific Research Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE), Volume 12, August 2017
21 Dr. S.L. Haridas & Nikhil Vyawahare, A Novel OSA based ISM Band Channel Scanner Design for Identification and Deployment of White-Spaces, November 2017
22 Dr. S. L Haridas & G. D. Korde, Asynchronous Viterbi Decoder Using Four-Phase Handshake Protocol, International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, Volume 6, Dec 2017
23 Dr. S. L Haridas & G. D. Korde, Design of Asynchronous Viterbi Decoder Using Pipeline  Architecture, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 6, Jan 2018
24 Dr. S. L Haridas & G. D. Korde, Design of Low Power Asynchronous Viterbi Decoder for Wireless Applications, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), Volume 6, Jan 2018
25 Dr. S. L. Haridas & Pragati Kene, Handoff Review in Heterogeneous Wireless Network, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 3, No. 9, Jan 2018
26 Dr. S. L. Haridas & Pragati Kene, An Novel Machine Learning-Based Approach for Vertical Handoff, International Journal of Engineering and Creative Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2018

Dr. S. L. Haridas & Pragati Kene, Parameter Selection for Vertical Handoff in Hetergeneous Wireless Network, International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering, Vol. 8, Issue 12(1),

Dec 2018

28 Dr. S. L. Haridas & Pragati Kene, A Learning Algorithm for Maximizing Throughput in Heterogeneous Wireless Network, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 4, No. 1,  2019


Conference Publication
1. S.L.Haridas & M.M.Khanapurkar, Trunking: An Option, National Conference on “IE: Trends in Personal & Wireless Communications”,24thApr.1999, The institution of India, Orissa State Centre, Bhubaneshwar
2 M.M.Khanapurkar & S.L.Haridas, New Millennium Challenge Path for Progress of Private Technical Institutions, National Conference on “Insight – 2000”, 26th July 2000 , B. D. College of Engg.,Sevagram
3 S. L. Haridas & Dr. N.K. Choudhari, Design of Viterbi Decoder using Minimum Transition Register Exchange Method, International conference on Signals, System & Automata (ICSSA’09), G.H. Patel Engg. & Technology, Vidyanagar, Gujrat
4 D.M.Khatri, S.L.Haridas & Dr. N.K. Choudhari,Comparison of Hard & Soft output Viterbi Algorithm Decoding Techniques, International conference on Signals, System & Automata (ICSSA’09), 28-29th Dec. 2009, G.H. Patel Engg. & Technology, Vidyanagar, Gujrat
5 S. L. Haridas & Dr. N.K. Choudhari, Design of Viterbi Decoder using Modified Traceback and Hybrid Register Exchange Processing, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication & Control (ICAC3’09), ACM international conference,23-24th Jan 2009, Fr. Rodrigues College of Engg., Bandra, Mumbai
6 S. L. Haridas & Dr. N.K. Choudhari, FPGA Implementation of Viterbi Decoder with Minimum Transition Register Exchange Processing, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE’10), 20 – 21th Feb. 2010 ,Dr. J.J.Magdum College of Engg., Jaysingpur
7 S. L. Haridas & Dr. N.K. Choudhari, Design of Viterbi Decoder with Minimum Transition Hybrid Register Exchange Processing, International Conference & Workshop on Emerging Trends & Technology 2010 (ICWET’10), 26-27th Feb. 2010,
8 S. L. Haridas & D. M. Khatri, Soft Output Viterbi Decoder using Hybrid Register Exchange, International Conference & Workshop on Emerging Trends & Technology 2011 (ICWET’11), Mumbai
9 Dr. S. L Haridas & G. D. Korde, Review of Low Power Asynchronous Viterbi Decoder, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics ICCCI-2013, 04-06 Jan 2013, Coimbatore, India
10 Dr. S. L. Haridas & Sushma Mahakalkar, Design of high-performance IEEE 754 Floating Point Multiplier using Vedic Mathematics, IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Communication Network (ICCICN-14), 14-16 Nov. 2014, JRN RVP University, Udaipur
11 Dr. S.L. Haridas & Nikhil Vyawahare, Designing Challenges to utilize white space for configurable Femtocell base on slotted TDM, IC3I; International conference on Contemporary Computing & Informatics, 27-29 Nov. 2014, Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering (SJCE), Mysore, India
12 Dr. S.L. Haridas & Neeta Thune, 4D-8PSK Trellis Coded Modulation for High-Speed Satellite Communication, IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Communication and Computer Technology (ICAECCT), Dec 2-3, 2016, Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Pune India.
13 Dr. S. L. Haridas & Neeta Thune, Optimised ACSU Design for Trellis Coded Modulation Decoder, International conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Sciences, 20-21 Feb 2018, Andhra Pradesh, India
14 Dr. S.L. Haridas & Nikhil Vyawahare, Adaptive White-fi Spectrum Channel deployment intended to Configurable Femtocell Network, International Conference on Computing, Communication, Information Security & Analytics ICCCISA-19, published in Helix Emerged SCI & Web of Science, 2-3 Feb 2019, G. H. Raisoni College of Engg & Management, Pune

Other Works

Qualify GATE – 92 Exams. with 86.47%.

Membership: Life Member of ISTE (No. LM 10218), Fellow Member of IE (No. F-1143693)

Approved Ph. D. and M. E. by research supervisor of RTMNU, Nagpur.

Number of Ph. D. candidates supervised: 5 (1 awarded, 4 submitted)

Number of PG candidates supervised: More than 20

University Level :

  1. RTMNU BOS Member
  2. Member of Interview panel
  3. Member of LEC committee
  4. External M. Tech. examiner
  5. The paper setting, valuation, and Moderation
  6. Committee Member for Nagpur University Revaluation work of the exam. S-99.

Patents and Copyrights






Copyright: MOS TRANSISTOR THEORY, L-77830/2018


Copyright: CIRCUITS USING MOS, L-78938/2018


Copyright: HAZARDS in CMOS, L- 79297/2018


Copyright: CIRCUIT DESIGN STYLES IN CMOS, L-84299/2019


Copyright: POWER DISSIPATION IN CMOS, L-84590/2019




  • Worked as a judge in national level seminar at KDKCE, Nagpur and WheelSpin-07 a techfest at BDCOE, Sevagram.
  • Represent the college at an exhibition conducted by DTE, Nagpur as a coordinator.
  • Successfully organized a MESH-2004, a model exhibition for the student at BDCOE, Sevagram as a coordinator.
  • Convener of Technical fest Wheelspin-11.
  • Chaired a session in National Conference on “Innovative Paradigms in Engineering & Technology” at S. B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management & Research, Nagpur on 17th February 2013.
  • Chaired a session in “Technomanthan-2013” at DES’s College of Engg. & Technology.
  • Chaired a session in ICETET-2013.
  • Judge for National level project Competition-2014 at SRPCE, Nagpur on 8th March 2014.
  • Chaired a session in the National Conference on “VLSI Design, Embedded System & Signal Processing” at G. H. Raisoni College of Engg., Nagpur on 03rd December 2014.
  • Delivered a guest lecturer in FDP “Emerging Trends & Practices in Advanced Communication” on 10th April 2015 at G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur on “Power Consumption in Viterbi Decoder”.
  • Judge for Mini model Competition at GHRCE, Nagpur on 26th February 2016.
  • Expert in “SPANDAN-2016 – a national conference on advances in Engineering, Technology and Applied sciences” held on 17th & 18th March, at YCCE, Nagpur.
  • Chaired a session in National Conference on “Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering, and Technology-2016” at G. H. Raisoni College of Engg. and Technology for Women, Nagpur.
  • Delivered an Expert talk on “Process of NAAC & its preparation” on 8th December 2016 at J. D. college of Engineering & Management, Nagpur.
  • Delivered an Expert talk on “Process of NAAC & its preparation” on 20th December 2016 at S. B. jain Institute of Technology, Management & Research, Nagpur.
  • Got second prize for project “Simless Mobile phone using white space” at AVISHKAR 2016 from 27-29th January 2017.
  • Chaired a session in National Conference on “Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering in NCRISET-2017” at G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engg. and Technology, Nagpur on 10th March 2017.
  • Judge for Mini model Competition at GRIET, Nagpur on 11th April 2017.
  • Conducted training program “Teacher in You” at various places.
  • Qualify NPTEL course on “OPAMP Practical Applications: Design, Simulation and Implementation” with Elite + Silver certification.

Seminars /Workshop  Attended & Organized





Duration & Date


Modern Communication Techniques


M. I.D.C.,Nagpur

21 Dec. 1996


Management Career Opportunities & Entrance Exams in India

BDCOE, Sevagram

04th Sep 1997


An Internet

K.D.K.College of Engg. , Nagpur.

07 Oct. 1997


Analysis and Simulation Software’s for Electrical & Electronics Engg.

VNIT, Nagpur

01 Feb. 2003


Advances in Microelectronics

VNIT, Nagpur

29th & 30th Jan. 2005



Impact of Information Technology on Libraries

BDCOE, Sevagram

04th Jan. 2006.


NBA: What, When, Why and How?

RKNEC, Nagpur

07th March 2009


Academic Excellence : Challenges & opportunities

GHRCE, Nagpur

11 June 2011



Microwave Engineering & Measurements

YCCE, Nagpur

24th Aug. 2011


Syllabus Reframing for ETRX/EXTC Engg.

JDCOE, Nagpur

28th Nov. 2011


Syllabus Reframing for IT/CE/CSE/CT/ME/EE

RPCOE, Nagpur

02nd Dec. 2011


Outcome based Accreditation process and Parameters

GHRCE, Nagpur

27th Nov. 2012


Syllabus Reframing for ETRX/EXTC Engg.

Smt. BCCOE, Nagpur

12th March 2013


Outcome based Accreditation process and Parameters

GHRCE, Nagpur

29th May 2013


Outcome based Accreditation process and Parameters

GHRCE, Nagpur

9th– 11th May 2013


Syllabus Reframing for ETRX/EXTC Engg.

KDKCE, Nagpur

22nd Jan 2014


Subject advancement & learning Accomplishment Workshop


24th Feb. 2014


NAAC’s Revised Accreditation Framework

RCOEM, Nagpur

25th Aug 2018

STTP/ FDP Attended    and Organized





Duration & Date



Advances in Power Electronics

V.R.C.E., Nagpur

Two weeks, 4th Nov. to 15th Nov. 1997



Recent Trends in Instrumentation Systems

M.I.T. Muzaffarpur

Two weeks, 5th Oct. to 16th Oct. 1997



DSP and time Series Analysis using Mathematica

R.K.N.C.E. Nagpur

Two weeks, 21st  June to 03rd July 1999



Windows  NT Core Technologies

Dr B. R. Ambedkar 

REC, Jalandhar

Two weeks, 25th Apr. to 05th May 2000.



Intelligent Control

Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi

Two weeks, 11th to 23rd  June 2001



The Value Engineering – Methodology And Applications

Y.C.C.E., Nagpur

Two weeks, 20th Feb. to 03rd Mar. 2002



Multimedia Technologies, Applications and opportunities

RIT, Rajaramnagar

Two weeks, 25th Nov. to 07th Dec. 2002



VHDL Approach for Digital System Design

Y.C.C.E., Nagpur

Two weeks, 2nd to 14th June 2003



Motivation, Staff Development & Internal Resource Generation

NITTR Extension Centre, Pune

Three Days, 18th to 20th Dec. 2006



Embedded ASIC Design & Verification

RKNCOE, Nagpur

One Week, 23 – 28th Nov. 2009



Microcontrollers & Real Word Interfacing

BDCOE, Sevagram

One Week, 14-18th June 2010



Engineering Applications using Labview

GHRAET, Nagpur

One Week, 11-15th Jan 2016



Faculty Development Program for Student Induction Program

GNIET, Nagpur

Three day, 05-07th July 2018



Faculty Development Program for New NAAC Methodology


Three day, 04-06 Dec 2018



OPAMP Practical Applications: Design, Simulation and Implementation


Twelve Weeks Jul-Oct 2019