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Prof. G. M. Gohane

Prof. G. M. Gohane

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Degree  B.E.(Mechanical Engineering) 2013 RCERT, Chandrapur

M.Tech.(Production Engineering) 2015 YCCE, Nagpur

Contact Details

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

JD College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur.


Phone: +91-7709396174 

About the Faculty

I am fortunate to have 6 years of continuous teaching experience, at JDCOEM, one of the most prestigious Universities in India, which has enabled me to develop a teaching philosophy of my own.

I believe that it is my duty as a teacher to make students understand ‘how to learn the subject matter’ and not merely to deliver the class material. I also believe that a personal touch is essential for a healthy teacher-student relationship. With the diversity of our community reflecting in our classroom, it is also critical to identify ways to reach out to each individual.

I believe that the students must be treated with respect and the classroom must be free from undue tension and anxiety. Openness, honesty, and the ability to maintain trust are highly conducive to effective learning.

I have found that, for higher degree students, it is particularly important to obtain feedback about their current preparedness and problems they face with learning in the new system of, in order to plan my lecture material

 My teaching style has undergone change as my class size has increased from 35-40 in 2014 to 100-120 in 2015.

Finally, as a committed teacher, I am aware of my obligations and responsibilities to uphold the reputation of the University I am working for. As a teacher, I ‘preach’ my students to adopt Engineering as a way of life and try to impart a sense of responsibility towards society and our nation.


Sponsored projects

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List of Papers Published (last 5 years)

Journal Publication
1 Development and Analysis of Cold Rolled Sheet Rolling Machine, (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.177, Volume 7 Issue X, Oct 2019.
2 Study, Design and Fabrication of Single Layer Petrol Filter, IJSRD, Vol. 6, Issue 12, 2019 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613
3 Influence of Coolant in CNC machining, IJAERD, Volume 5, Issue 03, March -2018
Conference Publication
1. Study of Cutting Fluid, JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162), ICATSD 2018 International Conference On Appropriate Technology for Sustainable Development

Other Works

Working with students (undergraduate) for their small project works is a pleasure and is also considered of prime importance at JDCOEM. Many of the projects had an interesting and useful outcome like: Advancement in Petrol Filter, Tool Life Enhancement, Foot Step Power generation, etc. 



Courses in Current Semester Class Hrs


List of On-Campus courses taught at JDCOEM No. of Semesters Taught
Product Design Engineering I 4
Product Design Engineering II 5

Automation In Production

Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 7
Industrial Engineering 7
Machining Processes 4

Off-Campus courses

List of Off-Campus courses taught at JDCOEM

  • Quality Control and Quality Assurance