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Prof. Manoj Titare

Prof. Manoj Titare

Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering


B.E.(Computer Engineering ) 2011, RTMNU, Nagpur

M.E.( Computer Science and Engineering) 2016,  RTMNU, Nagpur


Contact Details

Assistant Professor, CSE/IT Department

JD College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur.


Phone: +91 – 9156900956 

About the Faculty

I am working at JDCOEM, one of the most prestigious Universities in India from last 3 years has undergone many variation in working Experience.


List of Papers Published (last 5 years)


Journal Publication




Manoj S. Titre,Prof. M. B. Gudadhe,”To Enhance Performance of Query in DW bu using MV Approach”,International Journal of Computer Information Technology & Bioinformatics ISSN2278-7593.3rd April 2016.


Journal Publication



  • Manoj S. Titre,,Pravin Raut,”Advanced Meter Management for smart metering”,International Conference on “Robust Technology for Human Identification”held on 7th April 2013 & published in Volume-1 Issue-4.


Other Works

Working as IEEE JDCOEM SB Branch Counselor, through which we conducted one day summit under Nagpur Subsection Titled “Women’s in Engineering” and IEEE day Celebration


Courses in Current Semester ( Sem-Il, 2012-2013 )
Class Hrs
Machine learning (Theory) : T, Th, S 10AM to 10.50PM


List of On-Campus courses taught at JDCOEM No. of Semesters Taught

Machine learning

Data Structure 4
Computer Graphics 6
Data warehousing and mining 7