
Prof. Rohit B. Sharma
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
B.E.(Mechanical) 2013, Pune University, Pune
M.Tech.(Heat Power Engineering) 2016, RTMNU, Nagpur.
Contact Details
AssistantProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
JD College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur.
Email: ,
Phone: +91-8839798569
About the Faculty
I am privileged to have a number of years of continuous teaching experience, at JDCOEM, one of the best prominent engineering college in Maharashtra, which has empowered me to advance a teaching philosophy of my own.
I am certain that it is my responsibility as a faculty to developed students viewpoint ‘on how to acquire the skillsets’ and not simply to convey the lecture study material. I likewise consider that personal interaction is crucial for a good faculty-student relationship. Through the variety of our community replicating in our classroom, it is similarly serious to classify ways to extent out to every individual.
I am confident that the students must be treated with respect and dignity, also the classroom must be free from unnecessary stress and nervousness. Sincerity, decency, and capability to preserve hope are extremely conductive to fruitful learning. I have observed that, for degree students, it is mainly significant to get responses about their recent readiness and difficulties they face through learning in the novel scheme of, in order to schedule my lecture material.
Last but not least, I am attentive to my duties and tasks to support the status of the college I am employed for. As a faculty, I ‘motivate’ my students to implement Engineering as an approach towards life and attempt to communicate a sense of accountability towards the culture and our country.
Sponsored projects
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List of Papers Published (last 5 years)
Journal Publication | |
1 | Rohit Sharma, Review of VCRS and VARS systems, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9643; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887, Volume 6 Issue I, Jan 2019 |
Conference Publication | |
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Other Works
Working with degree students for their major project works is a pleasure and is also considered of major importance at JDCOEM.
Courses in Current Semester | Class Hrs |
Strength of Materials | |
Applied Thermodynamics II |
List of On-Campus courses taught at JDCOEM | No. of Semesters Taught |
Engineering Thermodynamics | 1 |
Fluid Mechanics | 1 |
Strength of materials | 1 |