Prof. Madhuri Pal

Prof. Madhuri Pal

Associate Professor & HOD, Artificial Intelligence


B.E.(CSEl) 2004SGAU, Amaravati,
M.E.(ESC) 2012 RTMNU, Nagpur


Contact Details

Associate Professor & HOD, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
JD College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur.




About the Faculty

I am fortunate to have a number of years of continuous teaching experience, at JDCOEM, one of the most prestigious Universities in India, which has enabled me to develop a teaching philosophy of my own. I believe that it is my duty as a teacher to discover  the treasures hidden inside each student and  in fact , act as a friend, a philosopher and a guide to the students. I believe that the students must be treated with respect and the classroom must be free from undue tension and anxiety. . Finally, as a committed teacher, I am always  honest, dutiful, punctual, sincere, hardworking and a talented , efficient in teaching or presenting my subject in a very impressive manner , amiable with the students, caring helpful , enterprising and enrich with current developments in my area.


  ponsored projects

List of Papers Published (last 5 years)


Journal Publication
1  Monitoring Of Electricity At Household Level By Android Application: The Case of Mauritius ISSN 2395-4396/V-5/Issue-1 2019


Conference Publication
1 Monitoring Of Electricity At Household Level By Android Application: The Case of Mauritius ISSN 2395-4396/V-5/Issue-1 2019


Journal Publication

Multibiometrics For Authentication Based On Altered Fingerprint Detection & Template Based Iris Recognition” international Journal of Pure & Applied Research In Engineering & Technology (ISSN:2319-507X) Having Impact Factor 4.226


Conference Publication

Driver Fatigue Detection “4 th International conferences ,17 ISTE on Emerging Trends & Research in Engineering , Technology And Science 30 th & 31 st March 2016.IBSS College of Engineering Amravati.


”Multibiometrics For Authentication Based On Altered Fingerprint Detection & Template Based Iris Recognition” 4 th International conferences ,17 ISTE on Emerging Trends & Research in Engineering , Technology And Science


Journal Publication

“Deployment Policy of Sensor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks”4 th International conferences On Quality Up-gradation in Engineering , science & technology “IC-QUEST 2015 “ Organized By Bapurao Deshmukh College Of Engineering , Wardha on 11th April 2015


Conference Publication

“Deployment Policy of Sensor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks”4 th International

conferences On Quality Up-gradation in Engineering , science & technology “IC-QUEST

2015 “ Organized By Bapurao Deshmukh College Of Engineering , Wardha on 11th April


Other Work

Working with students and guided them to make innovative mini projects to help them to improve their knowledge. Delivered motivational lecture on “Seven Step Towards The Success” at different colleges. Working as a Chairman of Paper setter panel in DBATU. Providing Guidance to students for conducting innovative researches.


Courses in Current Semester (Sem-V, 2018-2019) Class Hrs

Database Management Sytem

·         Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, and S. Sudarshan, “Database system concepts”, 6th edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2011.

·          Raghu Ramkrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, “Database Management Systems”, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2007.

T, Th, S


List of On-Campus courses taught at JDCOEM No. of Semesters Taught
Database Management System  [BTIT501] 1
Computer Network [BECSE309T] 1
Numerical Methods [CE306] 1
Computer Graphics [BEIT504] 1
TCP/IP And Internet [IT308] 1
Advanced Computer Networks[MTCE1103] 1