
Dr. A.N.Gupta

B.E.(Electronics and Telecommunication)2001 SSGBAU, Amravati
M.Tech(VLSI) 2009 SRKNEC, Nagpur
PhD (Pursuing)
Contact Details
Assisstant Professor, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
JD College of Engineering and Management,Nagpur.
+91 – 8554959712
About the Faculty
I am assistant professor in the the department of Electronics and Telecommunicationl Engineering of the J D College of Engineering and Management,Nagpur. I work in the area of analog, Devices and Image processing.
I Post graduated in VLSI from SRKNEC,Nagpur in 2009. I obtained my B.E. degree in electronics and Telecommunications engineering from the SSGBAU, in 2001.
Sponsored projects
- Nil
List of Papers Published (last 5 years)
Journal Publication |
1 |
Image Quality Assessment for fake Biometric Detection:Application to Iris,Fingerprint and Face Recognition in International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing Volume 7,Issue No.5,May 2017. |
2 |
Image Quality Assessment for fake Biometric Detection:Application to Iris,Fingerprint and Face Recognition in International Journal of Science and Research Volume 6,Issue No.5,May 2017. |
3 |
An Abstractive Review on Automatic Solar Tracking System Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Volume 5,Issue 12,December 2018. |
4 |
Hyperspectral Image Compression Methods: A review in IJCSIS Volume 15,Issue 02,Feb 2017. |
5 |
Spectral Unmixing from Hyperspectral Imagery Using Modified Gram Schmidt Orthogonalization and NMF in IJCSIS Volume 15,Issue 02,Feb 2017. |
6 |
Recent Advancement in the field of Ballistic and Non Balistic spin Based field effect Transistors in AIP |
7 |
Robust Domain Based Digital Image Watermarking Technique in IJETEMR Volume 04,Issue 02,11 September, 2018. |
8 |
Implementation Of High Speed And Energy Efficient Carry Skip Adder in “VIBGYOR Multidisciplinary Research Journal,22774491/03/2018/VOL 5 NO.2 |
9 |
Performance Study of Spin-Field Effect Transistor based on Cobalt Modified Iron Oxide Ferromagnetic Electrode(ongoing) |
Conference Publication |
1. |
WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation,London,UK on "SOC On-Chip Interconnect Embodying I-Slip Algorithm" (Dec 2008). |
2. |
E3C2010,Nagpur on " Mobile Computing"(9-10 Feb 2010). |
3. |
National Conference on Information Technology Trends in Engineering Applications,Banglore on "SOC On-Chip Interconnect Embodying I-Slip Algorithm"(19,20 &21 March,2009). |
4. |
International Conference on Multidimentional Role of Basic Science in Advanced Technology,ICMBAT-2018 on "Recent Advancement in the field of Ballistic and Non Balistic spin Based field effect Transistors" (14,15 Dec 2018). |
Other Works
SPOC, NPTEL Local Chapter 804, Baged Active spoc Certificate consecutively 5 times.
Nodal Coordinator,Virtual Lab Nodal Center 61,an initiative of MHRD,Gov.of India along with & IITs and IISC,Banglore.
Represented College in various premium Institutions Like IITB,IITK,IITM and IISC.
Conducted many Awareness workshops for e-learning Inhouse and Outside.
Worked for valuation,Moderation,paper setter for RTMNU and DBATU for UG and PG.
Worked as Officer Incharge for RTMNU examination.
Appointed in LEC,RTMNU.
worked as expert speaker for various FDPs.
working as Head of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department.Department received Best Department award for the year 2018-19.
Chairman, BOS, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department.
Mentor for few National level technical Projects.
Courses in Current Semester |
Class Hrs |
Product Designing (4th Semester) |
List of On-Campus courses taught at JDCOEM |
No. of Semesters Taught |
3 |
Digital Circuits |
3 |
Switching Theory |
2 |
CMOS VLSI Design |
3 |
Analog Circuit Design |
3 |
Digital Circuits and Fundamentals of Microprocessor |
2 |
Electronic System Design |
2 |
Off-Campus courses
List of Off-Campus courses taught at JDCOEM
- scilab
- Orcad
- Verilog
- Component Testing
- Matlab
- Device Modeling
- Product designing