
Prof. Mirza M. Baig
HOD, Information Technology &
Data Science
Contact Details

About the Faculty
I am quite privileged to be working in such a noble profession at JDCOEM, one of the most famous colleges in central India’s region. Since the previous ten years, it has provided me with the opportunity to improve my teaching skills and share my experience with pupils.
As a teacher, I feel it is my responsibility to help students understand how to develop professionally, stay current on current knowledge, and conduct research in their fields. I strive to provide students as many opportunities as possible both inside and outside of the classroom to apply what they’ve learned and to learn to use what they’ve learned in real-world situations. I also encourage my students to think creatively and to grow as individuals.
Guiding students (undergraduate and graduate) through their small project work is a great pleasure for me, and it is also a priority at JDCOEM. Many of the projects were intriguing and had extremely helpful outcomes, such as:
- Implement Emergency Medical Services using UAVs, IoT-based crop line identification, Spraying test, and Object Detection Using Drones for Agriculture.
- Using AI and Machine Learning techniques to monitor and control illnesses in crops.
Research: Title: A Novel Approach Towards Medical Devices Communication Protection over Multi Cloud Environment and Healthcare Result Analysis.
Standardization of medical terminologies and the centralized electronic medical record (EMR) are the most addressed discussion in the healthcare industries. Patient master records and the treatment statistics records has wide spectrum and dynamic data structure. These records has growth at high rate with huge volume over the period and which required proper structured data base management system. Data science and the analytics could solve the problem of data management, but trust about data storage over the cloud may become major issue. These records may archived for better storage management and could be replicate over multiple cloud or kept in a distributed manner for extended security. On other hand medical data generated through wearable medical devices or the portable devices used by home care patients may connected to multiple cloud servers for better accessibility and the security. Proposed system is to design a generic medical record management system over multiple cloud and designing the Body Area Network architecture connected to distributed cloud for data accessibility and security.
List of Papers published
1 |
Survey on Automated Bugs Triage System, International Journal on recent innovation trends in computing and communication,vo:5,Issi=ue:3,June 23,2017 |
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Survey on creating ZigBee Chain Reaction using IoT, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology Vol:3,Issue:5,May-June-2018 |
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Implement Emergency Medical Facility Through Unmanned Aerial Vehical ,2019 Third International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC) , 10.1109/i-smac47947.2019.9032642 |
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Performance Tunning of Queries in Distributed System using Secure Materialized View Approach, Smart Innovation in Design ,Environment, Management Planning and Computing, Aurangabad,IEEE,30-31 Oct.2020 |
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Approach Toward Standardization of EMR With Efficient Accessibility of Data on Demand, International Journal of Next-Generation Computing 12(5) ,2021, Volume 12, Special Issue 5, |
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A Review On Scope Of Distributed Cloud Environment In Healthcare Automation Security And Its Feasibility”, 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC-2021) Springer, organized by Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India in association with National Institute of Technology Patna, India and University of Valladolid, Spain on 20th-21st February, 2021, |
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IOT based smart city management using IAS: Survey ,6th International Conference on Smart Trends for Computing and Communication ,Springer, Dec.17,2021, Jaipur,India |
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Cloud-Based X73 Ubiquitous Mobile Healthcare System: Design and Implementation in 2021 International Conference on Smart Generation Computing, Communication and Networking (SMART GENCON),IEEE |
List of On-Campus courses taught at JDCOEM:
Cluster and Cloud Computing |
3 |
Compiler Design |
4 |
Data Warehousing and Mining |
2 |
Software Engineering |
2 |
System Programming |
3 |
Theory of Computation |
2 |
Ethics in IT |
2 |
Operating System |
1 |
Data Base Management System |
1 |
Middleware Technologies |
1 |
Workshop Practice Product Design & Engineering |
1 |
Workshop Practice -DBMS |
1 |
Workshop Practice-Compiler Design |
4 |
Current Semester with subject name
1. Cloud Computing |
4 |
2. Formal Language and Finite Automata |
3 |
3. Workshop Practice –Java Programming |
1 |